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Ramon Rios Torres




2013               Career Integration Grant Award. (FP-7 European Framework)   


2011               Acreditación Nacional para profesor titular de universidad   


2011               Acreditació de Recerca Avançada (Generalitat de Catalunya)


2011               Andrea-Nekane Roig Alba was awarded with the IX Lilly award to the best PhD work in Organic Chemistry in Spain      


2011               Daiko Fellowship   


2011               Member of the international board of International Journal of Organic Chemistry
2011               JSPS Invitational Research Fellowship    


2010               Andrea-Nekane Roig Alba was awarded with the “Sant Jordi Award” for her research work in my group.                                                                         


2010               Member of International Scientific Board of 1st Annual World Congress of Catalytic                                                        Asymmetric Synthesis-2010 (WCCAS-2010)       


2009               Guest Editor special Issue Ferrocenes in Molecules        


2008               ICREA Junior Academia.         


2007 Werner-Gren Postdoctoral Fellowship


2007       Acreditacio de Recerca (Generalitat de Catalunya)       


2007               Acreditacio de Recerca (Generalitat de Catalunya)       


2006               JSPS Fellowship (Japan)        


2005               JSPS Fellowship (Japan)       


2004               Spanish Ministry of Education Postdoctoral Fellowship
2004               Informe favorable per a la contratacio de professor lector i col.laborador       


2002               Spanish Ministry of Education, Torres Quevedo Fellowship         


1996       Spanish Ministry of Education, Predoctoral Fellowship (Program of General Promotion of Knowledge)






Rios Group . Department of Organic Chemistry. University of Southampton, e-mail: R.Rios-Torres@southampton.ac.uk | Google Analytics | Stats |